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Quercus suber | |
Author | L. 1753 |
Synonyms | bivonana Guss. 1844 occidentalis J.Gay 1856 suber var. occidentalis (J.Gay) Laguna 1883 suber subsp occidentalis (J.Gay) A.Camus 1938 suberosa Salisb. in A.DC 1864 nom. illeg. subera St-Lag. 1880 suber var. crinita Pers. 1807 |
Local names | chêne-liège ; durier ; corcier ; sioure ; alcornoque ; |
Range | South Europe, North Africa; |
Growth habit | may reach 20 m tall, with trunk 1.5 m in diameter, but most often smaller; trunk and branches tortuous; branches may lay on the ground; |
Leaves | 2.5-7 x 1.5-4 cm; evergreen; oval; hard, leathery; apex pointed; base rounded; margin wavy, sometimes entire, with very shallow, spiny lobes; dark green, hairless above; blue green, densely pubescent beneath; 5-7 vein pairs at an angle less than 45° with midrib; petiole hairy 0.8-2 cm long; |
Flowers | early summer, on new shoots; numerous male catkins, erected at first, then drooping, yellow, with a tomentose rachis; male flowers with 5-6 stamens; female catkins 1-3 cm long, with tomentose rachis; female flowers perianth with 4-6 obtuse, tomentose lobes, and 3 short, glabrous styles; |
Fruits | acorn 1.5-3 cm long; ovoid; short peduncle; enclosed almost 1/2 by cup; cup conical, deep, with long, spreading scales; maturing in 1 year; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark furrowed, corky; young twigs pubescent first year, becoming smooth, dark grey during 5 years; bud ovoid, small (2 mm long), dark purple; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | not quite hardy (withstands -15° C); prefers lime-free soils; slow-growing; |
Miscellaneous | -- A. Camus : n° 110; -- Sub-genus Cerris, Section Cerris, subsection Suber (with crenata); -- The natural hybrids of Q. suber are : Q. x celtica, Q. x hispanica, Q. x morisii, Q. x pacensis, Q. x coscojosuberiformis |
Subspecies and varieties |
--- Q.occidentalis J.Gay 1856 |
Pictures |