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  Quercus x celtica
Author Vasquez & al. 2003 Int. Oaks 14: 52 2003
Synonyms fruticosa (lusitanica) X suber
Local names
Range SW Portugal (Alentejo Region, near coast).
Growth habit often less than 3 meters tall;
Leaves leathery 4-8 x 3-6 cm, adaxially becoming glabrous, abaxially minutely tomentose to glabrescent, lanceolate to oblong-spatulate, apex acute, base cordate ; margin serrate or sinuate-lobate, with acute, triangular mucronate lobes; vein pairs 3-6, sinuate; petiole tomentose 0.2-0.8 cm;
Fruits sterile plant;

Bark, twigs and

Hardiness zone, habitat with parents, in forests of Q. suber;
Subspecies and