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Quercus pseudosetulosa
Author Q. Li, M.Gu & M. Deng 2018 Phytotaxa 373(4): 272-282
Local names
Range China (Guangdong, Dawanshan Island);
Growth habit 0.5-3 m
Leaves 5-10 x 2-5 cm; evergreen; leathery; more or less thick; ovate to lanceolate; apex acuminate, mucronate; base rounded or broadly cuneate, slightly decurrent on petiole; margin somewhat revolute; adaxially lustrous green, hairless; abaxially grey-green, hairless; 5-8 veins pairs, flat obove, raised beneath; petiole 1-2.5 cm, tomentose
Flowers in July; pistillate inflorescences hairy, 1-3 cm long, 1-3 flowered with only one reaching maturity; pistillate flower 2 mm wide, with 3 styles, sometimes bifid;
Fruits acorn oblong-ovoid, 1.9 cm long, 1.2 cm in diametre, glabrous; apex with 3 persistent styles; cup bowl-shaped, 1-1.3 cm wide, enclosing 1/3 to 1/2 the acorn, with pubescent, triangular scales; basal scar convex, 5 mm wide; maturing next year, in August-September

Bark, twigs and

young twigs covered with a tomentum made of short, yellow-grey, stellate trichomes and with small lenticels; mature twigs with a short greyish tomentum;
Hardiness zone, habitat not hardy; sub-tropical to tropical climate;
Miscellaneous -- Sub-Genus Cerris, Section Ilex;
-- Threatened species (IUCN Red List Category : CR); only in 2 places on Dawanshan Island, with a total of less than a hundred individuals;

-- Resembles Q. setulosa and Q. bawanglingensis, of which it differs in having a short yellow-greyish tomentum on the twigs, a long pubescent petiole, thick and leathery, flat, glabrous, lustrous leaves with revolute margin

Subspecies and