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Quercus pacifica | |
Author | Nixon & C.H.Muller 1994 Novon 4: 391 |
Synonyms | dumosa var. polycarpa Greene 1889 |
Local names | Channel Islands scrub oak ; |
Range | California
(endemic at Sta Cruz, Sta Catalina and Sta Rosa Islands; does not occur
on mainland); near sea level to 300 m; |
Growth habit | shrub,
seldom a small tree, 2-5 m tall, sometimes more; |
Leaves | 1.5-4
x 0.7-2 cm; persistent or semi-persistent; oblong to oboval, slightly
convex and wavy; margin entire or toothed (1-9 pairs of teeth); apex rounded,
base broadly cuneate (young leaves tend to rounded base); shiny green
above, bloomy beneath with appressed stellate hairs; 1-5 vein pairs; petiole
2-5 mm slightly pubescent; |
Flowers | spring; |
Fruits | acorn
2-3 cm long, spindle-shaped, pointed, hairless; subsessile; enclosed 1/4
to 1/2 by cup; cup half-round or top-shaped, with irregular, warty scales;
cotyledons distinct; |
Bark, twigs and |
scaly; twigs minutely brown pubescent at first, becoming grey and glabrous;
buds light brown, oval, 2-3 mm long; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | not
quite hardy, but withstands -12° C; prefers dry places; |
Miscellaneous | --
Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, Subsection Dumosae; -- Rare. Threatened (IUCN Red List Category : EN). -- Has been at first considered as a variety of Q.dumosa, then has been named Q.berberidifolia, but differs from the latter that has foliar base rounded, margins strongly toothed, smaller trichomes, acorn pointed, cup less warty; differs from the other "island scrub oak", Q.parvula, which has pointed, glabrous leaves, and stalked acorns; -- It looks like an intermediate between Q.berberidifolia and Q.douglasii ; -- Hybridizes with Q.lobata (= x macdonaldii) ; |
Subspecies and varieties |
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