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  Quercus laotica
Author A. Camus 1936 Chênes Atlas 2: 7
Synonyms setulosa subsp laotica (A.Camus) Menitsky 1973 Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 10: 128
Local names
Range Laos, Vietnam; 700 m; very abundant in its range;
Growth habit shrub, or tree to 10-12 m;  
Leaves 5-6 x 2-2.5 cm; leathery; oval lanceolate; apex attenuate; base rounded or cordate; margin toothed in apical half; densely pubescent at first, then glabrous on both sides exept some brown hairs on midrib; 8-9 veins pairs slightly raised above, at an angle of 45-52° with midrib; petiole hairy, 2-4 mm long;
Flowers female catkin with 8-9 flowers;
Fruits acorn ovoid 1.8-2 cm long, 0.7-0.8 cm in diameter, mucronate; cup scaly, shallow, 0.9-1.2 cm in diameter;

Bark, twigs and

young twig pubescent during 2 years;  bud pointed, with margin scales hairy; stipules linear long persistent;
Hardiness zone, habitat not hardy;   
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : tome 2, p. 13, n° 131;
-- Closely related to
Q.setulosaFor Menitsky (1973), who first treated this taxon as a subspecies of Q.setulosa, it seems that actually there are not enough  differences between the 2 taxons to say they are distinct (oval lanceolate leaves shorter in laotica, with pubescence remaining on leaves and twigs); moreover, A. Camus  herself thought that laotica is perhaps a subspecies of setulosa ! Actually, Q.laotica is the race occuring in Laos, with small, pubescent leaves.

Subspecies and