Oaks of the World

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  Quercus hemisphaerica
Author W.Bartram ex Willd. 1805 Sp. Pl. 4: 443
Synonyms hemisphaerica var. maritima (Michx.) C.H.Mull. 1961
laurifolia subsp maritima (Michx) E.Murray 1983
laurifolia var. maritima (Michx.) E.Murray 1983
maritima (Michx) Willd.
phellos var. maritima Michx 1801
Local names Darlington’s oak ; laurel oak
Range Eastern USA to Texas; in Coastal Plain; 0 to 150 m;
Growth habit 25 m tall; crown rounded;
Leaves 3-12 x 1-4 cm; evergreen or tardily deciduous (February or later); narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate; thick; apex pointed, base rounded; both sides green, glabrous and shiny; margin entire not revolute, with sometimes a few teeth or lobes near apex; petiole 6 mm long, dull yellow;
Flowers spring; appear 15 days later than in the closely related Q.laurifolia
Fruits acorn 9-16 mm long, ovoid or subglobose; sessile; cup covering 1/4 to 1/3 of nut, sometimes turbinate, hairy inside;

Bark, twigs and

twigs grey brown, hairless, with small lenticels; bud red brown, shiny, hairless, 3 mm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; prefers light, well drained soils;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : n° 409;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, subsection Phellos;
-- For a long time confused with
Q.laurifolia ("swamp laurel oak", "diamondleaf oak") ;
-- Numerous hybrids (among them : Q.x sublaurifolia with Q.incana, Q.x mellichampi with Q.laevis)

Subspecies and