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  Quercus x avellaniformis
Author Colmeiro & E.Boutelou 1854 Exam. Arb. Pen.: 9.

ilex. var. avellaniformis (Colmeiro & E.Boutelou) Cout. 1888
ilex f. avellaniformis (Colmeiro & E.Boutelou) Trab. 1890
× morisii Borzi f. mixta (Villar ex Colm.) Franco & Vasc. 1954
x mixta Villalobos ex Colmeiro1888 nom. illeg., non DC 1864 (= Lithocarpus elegans.)
rotundifolia f. avellaniformis (Colmeiro & E.Boutelou) F.M.Vázquez, 1998
rotundifolia var. avellaniformis (Colmeiro & E.Boutelou) F.M.Vázquez, S.Ramos & S.García 2004

rotundifolia X suber

Local names
Growth habit

lamina ovate to obovate; base broad; abaxially densely tomentose; lateral veins straight (all these features like in Q. rotundifolia)


cupscales appressed and tuberculate in the basal part (as in Q. rotundifolia), free and partially outcurved in the apical part (as in Q. suber)

Bark, twigs and

Hardiness zone, habitat frequent among parents, in biotopes where flowering and pollination coincide;

-- Q. rotundifolia was at first considered as a subspecies of Q. ilex [= Q. ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam.) T. de Morais], so it is logical to change in that way the name of Q. x morisii Borzi 1880 (= Q. suber X Q. ilex subsp. ilex), as it is not an accepted name (later than x avellaniformis 1854), which becomes Q. x avellaniformis nothosubsp. morisii (Borzi) F.M Vázquez & al 2018; see Q. x morisii.

Subspecies and