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  Quercus sartorii

Liebm. 1854 Overs. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. Medlemmers Arbeider 1854: 177 not Botteri ex A.DC 1864

Diagnosis here

Synonyms sartorii f. magna Trel. 1924
Local names
Range Mexico (Veracruz, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Puebla, Oaxaca, Tamaulipas) ; 1300-2400 m;
Growth habit reaches 25 m tall;
Leaves 9-12 cm x 3-4; subleathery; lanceolate to elliptic ; apex acute, sometimes acuminate, bristle-tipped; base rounded or truncate, seldom cuneate, often asymmetric; margin not rolled under, crispate or not, with bristles alone, or most frequently with 6-8 pairs of bristle-tipped teeth on the apical 1/2 or 2/3 of margin; young leaves purplish and hairy; mature leaves green, dull or sometimes slightly lustrous, glabrous above or with some stellate hairs near base; glabrous or with axillary, stipitate, rusty tufts beneath, without glandular hairs; 7-11 vein pairs, yellowish, nearly flat above, prominent and yellowish beneath; epidermis papillose ; petiole 1.5-4 cm long, glabrous or with some scattered stellate hairs;
Flowers in February;
Fruits acorn ovoid, almost globose, 1-1.3 cm long x 0.7-1 cm wide, hairless; singly or paired on a 4-12 mm long peduncle; cup halfround, enclosing 1/3 to 1/2 of nut; maturing in 1 year from September to November;  

Bark, twigs and

dark grey, scaly bark; twig slender, 1.7-2.3 mm thick, dark brown, tomentose at first then hairless; bud conical or ovoid, 3-4.5 cm long; lenticels inconspicuous;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy in zone 7; deciduous in cold climates; prefers deep soils;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : n° 385;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, Series Erythromexicanae, Group Acutifoliae;
-- For today's Mexican Authors (Silvia Romero Rangel 2006), as for Govaerts 2013 (The Plant List), this species is a synonym of Q.xalapensis; actually it is a different species, xalapensis having wider leaves, larger bristle-tipped teeth, and an acorn maturing in 2 years;
-- Very similar to Q. furfuracea, if not identical ??
-- Possible confusion with Q. paxtalensis, which has leaves more shiny, longer aristate teeth, and a cup turbinate.

-- Q. sartorii Botteri ex A.DC is a synonym of Q. grahamii

Subspecies and