Oaks of the World

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  Quercus saravanensis
Author A.Camus 1934 Chênes Atlas 1: 19
Synonyms Cyclobalanopsis saravanensis (A.Camus) Hjelmquist 1968
Cyclobalanopsis kontumensis (A.Camus) Hsu & Wei Jen 1996
kontumensis A.Camus 1936 (Camus n° 66)
Local names bao ye qing gang ;
Range China (Yunnan), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam ; 800-1700 m;
Growth habit 25 m tall, but may reach 50 m tall, with trunk to 1 m in diameter;
Leaves 10-14 x 2.5-4.5 cm; oval-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate; leathery; apex caudate; base cuneate; margin entire, slightly wavy, sometimes with rare small teeth near apex; both sides hairless; rich green above; grey green beneath; midrib impressed above; (6-)9-12 inconspicuous vein pairs, at an angle of 30-32° with midrib; petiole glabrous, dark brown, 2.5 cm long;
Fruits acorn 1.5-2 cm in diameter, subglobose; hairless; mucronate; enclosed 1/4 by cup; cup sessile, cyathiform, 1-2 mm thick, 1.5 cm long, 1.7 cm in diameter, with 5-6 concentric rings with entire margin; scar 8 mm wide, convex; maturing in 2 years;

Bark, twigs and

twigs slender, hairless, sulcate;
Hardiness zone, habitat not hardy; wet forests;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : tome 1, p. 301, n° 54 ;
-- Sub-genus Cerris, Section Cyclobalanopsis;

Subspecies and
