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  Quercus x robbinsii
Author Trel. 1917 Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 56: 51
Synonyms coccinea x ilicifolia
Local names
Range N.E. USA (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania);
Growth habit to 12 m tall;
Leaves 10-12 cm, oblong oval; 4-5 pointed lobes; brownish tomentose beneath; resemble those of Q. coccinea;
Fruits acorn ovoid 1.5-2 cm long, 1/2 enclosed in the cup;

Bark, twigs and

young twigs tomentose at first, as in Q. ilicifolia;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy zone 5;

-- Section Lobatae;
-- Known since 1905;

-- Resembles Q. rehderi;

Subspecies and