Oaks of the World

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  Quercus pontica
Author K.Koch 1849 Linnaea 22: 319
Local names Armenian Oak;
Range Caucasus Mountains; Armenia; around Black Sea; North Turkey; 800 to 2300 m;
Growth habit rarely exceeding 8 metres tall; short trunk, crown rounded, open, loose;
Leaves 10-20 x 5-10 cm; deciduous; elliptic to oboval-elliptic; thick; apex pointed; base narrowly rounded or slightly subcordate; margin with 25-30 teeth; lustrous dark green above, glabrous; paler, slightly glaucous beneath with simple hairs alonc veins; 16-17(30) vein pairs; no intercalary veins; stout yellow petiole 1.5 cm long;
Flowers male catkins in cluster of 2 to 3, to 20 cm long; pistillate flowers with 5 long stigmas;
Fruits acorn 2-3 cm, rounded to ovoid; apex narrow, velutinous; short, thick peduncle; cup enclosing 1/3or 1/4 of nut, with triangular, greyish, remotely appressed, thin scales; mature in September;

Bark, twigs and

bark grey to purple brown, scaly, becoming rough, furrowed; twigs stout, angled, tawny to grey brown, with narrow lenticels; buds 1-1.5 cm, with green, imbricated scales, ciliate towards apex;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; prefers lime free soils; very slow-growing; only one flush a year; fruiting when still young, but seeds have a low rate of germination;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : n° 124 ;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Ponticae;
-- Threatened (IUCN Red List Category : EN)

-- Hybridizes likely with Q.robur (= x
hickelii )
-- Cultivar Q.'Pondaim' : it is a hybrid between Q.
pontica and Q.daimio (= Q.dentata), hence the name.

Subspecies and