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Quercus phellos | |
Author | L. 1753 |
Synonyms | phellos var. viridis Aiton 1789 phellos var. sylvatica Michx. 1801 phellos var. humilis Pursh 1814 salicifolia hort. not Née |
Local names | willow
oak ; |
Range | southeastern
U.S.A.; 0-400 m; introduced in Europe in 1723; |
Growth habit | 15-30 m tall;
crown dense, rounded; trunk short, to 1.6 m in diameter; |
Leaves | 5-13 x 1-2.5
cm; lanceolate; limp; margin entire, untoothed, sometimes wavy; apex pointed
and mucronate; base cuneate; pale green above; sometimes pubescent beneath;
young leaves yellow; midrib raised; petiole hairless, 2-5 mm long; |
Flowers | |
Fruits | acorn 1 cm in
diameter, ovoid or subglobose; singly or paired; apex pointed; yellow
brown, sometimes striate; cup shallow, covering 1/4 to 1/2 of nut, thin,
greenish brown; maturing in 2 years; |
Bark, twigs and |
grey, smooth, becoming blackish, rough, furrowed; twigs brown, hairless,
slender; buds ovoid, hairless, pointed, rusty brown, 2-4 mm long; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy;
prefers wet soils; fast growing; |
Miscellaneous | --
A. Camus : 410 -- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, subsection Phellos; -- Numerous hybrids, among them : x giffordi Trel. with Q.ilicifolia, x ludoviciana Sarg. with Q.pagoda ; |
Subspecies and varieties |
--- var.
pumila (Walt) Michx. 1803 -- Q.phellos
Pictures |