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  Quercus mongolica
Author Fisch. ex Ledeb. 1850 Fl. Ross. 3(2): 589
Synonyms crispula var. manshurica Koidz. 1912
funebris Léveillé ex Nakai 1915
kirinensis Nakai 1939
liaotungensis Koidzumi 1912 (Camus : n° 148)
mongolica var. kirinensis (Nakai) Kitagawa1979
mongolica var. liaotungensis (Koidz.) Nakai 1915
mongolica var. macrocarpa H.Wei Jen & Wang 1984
mongolica var. manschurica (Koidz.) Nakai 1915
sessiliflora Salisb. var. mongolica (Fisch. ex Ledeb.) Franchet 1884
undulatifolia Léveillé ex Nakai 1915
wutaishanica Mayr 1906
Local names meng gu li ;
Range China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, E.Russia, Sachaline Islands; 200 to 2500 m ; introduced in Europe in 1879;
Growth habit 20 m tall and more; often a shrub; crown ovoid, sometimes flattened;
Leaves 6-15 x 4-6 cm ; sometimes marcescent; leathery; crowded at the end of the shoot; oboval or oboval-oblong; apex shortly attenuate, rounded; base abruptly narrowed, rounded or auricled; margin sinuate-toothed (5-10 broad teeth each side); dark green, shiny, hairless above; simple hairs beneath along veins; dark red at fall; 6-11 vein pairs, raised abaxially, at an angle of 45-50° with midrib; tertiary veins not evident; petiole short (3-8 mm), glabrescent;
Flowers May-June, with leaves; female catkin short, flowers with 3-5 stigmas; male catkin hairless, 5-8 cm long ; perianth with 6 lobes; the filament of the stamen often longer than the anther;
Fruits acorn 1.4-2.2 cm long, 1.1-1.6 cm in diameter; ovoid; yellowish; hairless except near apex; 1 to 3 together on a 2-10 mm long peduncle; enclosed 1/3 to 1/2 by cup; cup thick, with hairless, gibbose scales; maturing in 1 year;

Bark, twigs and

bark greyish, deeply furrowed; twig hairless, angled, brown, lenticellate; small glabrescent buds, grouped at the end of twig; stipules short, deciduous, hairy;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; prefers acidic soils; not very vigorous;
Miscellaneous -- A.Camus : tome 2, p. 133, n° 140;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, Series Roburoid;
-- This species is variable and widespreading; numerous varieties have been named, that are actually geographic forms; i.e. the name Q.wutaishanica (see below);

Subspecies and

-- subsp mongolica
the type described

-- subsp crispula (Blume) Menitsky 1973 Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 10: 114
= Q.crispula Bl. 1851(A. Camus = n° 141)
= Q. mongolica var. crispula (Bl.) H.0hashi 1988
= Q.humosa Bl. 1851
= Q.grosseserrata Bl. 1851
= Q. crispula var. grosseserrata (Bl.) MiQ.1864
= Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata (Bl.) Rehd. & Wils. 1916
= Q. crispula var. sachalinensis Koidz. 1912
= Q.crispulimongolica Nakai 1952, nom. nud.
vigorous; taller than the type, with smaller leaves (12 x 5 cm maximum), having smaller and more pointed teeth; rachis of male inflorescence pubescent; cup scales flat;
Japan; Korea.
_ var. horikawae

-- Q. wutaishanica Mayr 1906 Fremdländ. Wald-Parkbäume 504
this taxon is accepted as true species by Govaerts, 2007.
= Q. liaotungensis Koidz.
= Q. funebris Lév.
= Q. undulatifolia Lév.
differs from Q. mongolica in having : acorn-cup thin, with less concave scales; male catkin densely hairy; filament of the stamen as long as the anther; smaller leaves (4-10 cm x 2-5); cup flatter; North China;

