General data | Classifications | List of species | Local names | Back to home page |
Quercus imbricaria | |
Author | Michx. 1801 Hist. Chênes Amér. 15 |
Synonyms | aprica
Raf. 1838 latifolia Steud. 1841 phellos var. imbricaria (Michx.) A DC 1864 |
Local names | shingle oak ; laurel oak ; |
Range | SE and Central USA; 100-700 m; introduced in Europe in 1786 by Fraser; |
Growth habit | to 26 m tall; crown pyramid-shaped at first, becoming rounded; |
Leaves | 7.5-15
x 2-5 cm; entire, not toothed; semi-evergreen; oblong; apex pointed ending
in small tooth; base attenuate; margin slightly wavy; dark green above;
paler and pubescent beneath; petiole 1-1.5 cm, mostly red above; |
Flowers | April-May; |
Fruits | acorn
1-2 cm, round; brown striped with black; cup with soft, overlapping, hairy
scales; nut enclosed 1/3 to 1/2 by cup; maturing in 2 years; |
Bark, twigs and |
blackish, smooth, becoming purple grey, with broad, deep furrows; bud
brown, 3 mm long, pentagonal in cross section; with striated scales; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy;
perfers lime-free, deep, moist soils but withstands alkaline and dry ones;
rather slow-growing; |
Miscellaneous | --
A.Camus : n° 413; -- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, subsection Phellos; -- Numerous hybrids, among them : Q.x anceps , Q.x egglestonii, Q.x exacta, Q.x leana, Q.x runcinata, Q. x tridentata ; |
Subspecies and varieties |
cultivars; |
Pictures |