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Quercus emoryi | |
Author | Torr. 1848 Not. Milit. Reconn. 151 |
Synonyms | balsequillana Trel. 1924 Diagnosis here duraznillo Diagnosis here, and f. bullata, cochutensis and pinetorum Trel. 1924 hastata Liebm. 1854 Diagnosis here |
Local names | Emory's oak; black-jack oak ; encino prieto ; bellota ; |
Range | West Texas to Central Arizona; Mexico (Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Sonora, Tamaulipas); 1200-2000 m; |
Growth habit | 2-5 m high, but may reach sometimes 15 m on favourable soils; |
Leaves | 2.5-6 x 1-2 cm; subpersistent; thick, stiff; leathery; narrowly oblong, sometimes oboval or oval; apex acute or obtuse, aristate; base subcordate to truncate, less often obtuse, seldom rounded asymmetrical; margin flat, entire or with 1-5 pairs of small aristate teeth; lustrous above, glabrous or with sometimes some sessile fascicled trichomes, essentially at the base of the midrib; less lustrous beneath, hairless or with axil tufts of stipitate fascicled hairs and glandular trichomes somewhat golden; 4-8 vein pairs, not evident; tertiary veins prominent; epidermis slightly bullate and white papillose; petiole pubescent, 3-7 mm long; |
Flowers | flowers appear in April-May; male catkins 1-3 cm long, with 1-2 flowers 4-staminate; female inflorescence pubescent, very short, with a lonely flower; |
Fruits | acorn 1.2-1.9 cm, narrow; solitary; cup sessile (or with a very short peduncle to 2 mm), enclosing 1/3 of nut, pubescent inside, with thin, smooth, appressed scales; edible since a little bitter; maturing first year in June - September; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark dark grey, thick, deeply furrowed; twigs slender, 1-3 mm in diameter, reddish brown, stiff, pubescent when young, with inconspicuous whitish lenticels; bud 2-3 mm, ovoid to elliptical, red brown, pubescent on the scales margin; stipules deciduous, 3-8 mm long; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy zone 6; all types of soils if dry rocky ones; slow growing; |
Miscellaneous | -- A. Camus : n° 388; -- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, Series Erythromexicanae, Group Vimineae; -- Discovered by William H. Emory (U.S.A. 1811-1887 ) -- Hybridizes with Q.graciliformis (= Q.x tharpii C.H.Muller), Q. hypoleucoides, and with Q.gravesii (= Q.x robusta); |
Subspecies and varieties |
-- f. pinetorum Trel. 1924, particularily toothed; |
Pictures |