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  Quercus corrugata
Author Hooker 1842 Hooker's Icon. Pl. 5: t. 403

Diagnose here
Synonyms aaata C.H.Muller 1942 Diagnosis here
boqueronae Trel. 1924 Diagnosis here
cyclobalanoides Trel. 1915 Diagnosis here
excelsa Liebm. 1854 Diagnosis here
insignis subsp. or var. pilarius A.E. Murray 1983
molinae C.H.Muller 1950 Diagnosis here
ovandensis Matuda 1950
pilarius Trel. 1924
pilgeriana Seemen 1904
reeevesii Trel. 1924 Diagnosis here
yousei Trel. 1938
Local names encino blanco;
Range Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz); Belize Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; 850-2300 m;
Growth habit may reach more than 50 m tall; trunk to 2.5 m in diameter;
Leaves 5-20 cm x 2-7; deciduous; subcoriaceous; elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate; apex acuminate; base cuneate or attenuate, sometimes rounded, asymmetrical; margin slightly or not revolute, sometimes wavy, entire or more often with 8-16 pairs of mucronate teeth except near base; hairless, shiny above; almost identical beneath, sometimes with scattered stellate pubescence; 11-18 vein pairs raised under; petiole becoming glabrous, 1.5-4 cm long;
Flowers staminate catkins 5-6 cm long; pistillate ones 0.5 cm long, 1-2 flowered;
Fruits acorn subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, 3-4 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, tomentose at apex, subsessile, solitary; cup halfround, 3-5 cm wide, with appressed, tomentose, basally thickened scales, enclosing 1/3 of nut; maturing first year;

Bark, twigs and

bark peeling into vertical plates, becoming rough and fissured into vertical furrows (hence the name corrugata); twig to 5 mm thick, sometimes sulcate, glabrescent, with pale lenticels; bud rounded, hairless, 3-4 mm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat not hardy zone 7;
Miscellaneous -- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, Series Leucomexicanae;
-- For Govaerts & Frodin 2007, and for Tracey Parker (Trees of Guatemala, 2008), it is a synonym of Q.lancifolia.

-- For S.Valencia, 2017, Q. corrugata is different from Q. lancifolia in having glabrous or glabrate leaves, subcoriaceous blades, the lack of teeth only at base, a greater number of secondary veins, larger fruits, cupules with basally thickened scales (See differences HERE).

Subspecies and

-- Several varieties have been described :
- var. granulifera Trel.
- var. ipalensis Trel.
- var. microcarpa Wenz.

-- Q. reevesii Trel. 1924
For A. Camus (n° 287) it is a species closely related to Q. galeottii, but different, with identical but narrower leaves and bigger acorn; Central America, Guatemala; for Govaerts 2007, it is a synonym of Q. corrugata, itself synonym of Q. lancifolia;
