Oaks of the World

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  Quercus charcasana
Author Trel. ex A.Camus 1952 Chênes Texte 3: 216, 1269 1952
Local names
Range Mexico, en la Sierra Madre Oriental (Charcas,San Luis Potosi) ;
Growth habit less than 3 m tall;
Leaves 3-4 cm mm X 1.2-1.5; deciduous; sublanceolate; apex acute aristate; base narrowly cordate, rounded; entire or asymmetrically toothed, with some rare short teeth; midrib raised both sides; 8 vein pairs, inconspicuous above; petiole 2-4 mm long;
Flowers pistillate ones with 3 hairy styles, perianth thick, stigmas recurved;
Fruits acorn almost entirely enclosed in cup, mucronate;

Bark, twigs and

twig thin (2-4 mm), slightly sulcate, with rather persistent greyish tomentum, with inconspicuous lenticels;
Hardiness zone, habitat
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : tome 3, n° 371;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Lobatae;
-- For today's Mexican Authors (Susana Valencia-A., 2004), this species described by Trelease is not currently valid ; it may be a hybrid, or a morpholigical variety...

Subspecies and