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Quercus arkansana | |
Author | Sarg. 1911 Trees & Shrubs 2: 121 1911. |
Synonyms | arkansana
var. caput-rivuli (Ashe pro hybr.) Ashe 1924 caput-rivuli Ashe (pro hybr.) 1923 |
Local names | Arkansas oak; water oak; |
Range | Arkansas; Southwest Georgia; Northwest Florida; Alabama; Eastern Texas; from 50 to 150m; |
Growth habit | reaches 18 m high, but most often 6-9 m; |
Leaves | 5-13
cm long, 2.5-6 cm wide; oboval to rhomboid; margin entire or slightly
lobed near apex (rare lobes, weakly pointed); base cuneate; apex rounded;
yellow green, glabrous above, paler beneath with axillary tufts; petiole
5-25 mm long, pubescent; |
Flowers | in spring; |
Fruits | acorn solitary or paired, 1.2 cm long, globose, sessile or short-stalked; shallow cup enclosing 1/4 to 1/3 of nut; |
Bark, twigs and |
thick, rough, black, deeply furrowed; twigs grey pubescent first, with
conspicuous lenticels; terminal bud brown, glabrous, 2-5 mm long; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy;
prefers sandy, rocky, moist and well-drained, lime-free soils; slow growing,
short living; |
Miscellaneous | --
Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, sub-section Phellos; -- Threatened (IUCN Red List Category : VU). -- Discovered in Arkansas in 1911; -- Hybridizes with Q.nigra, Q.marilandica, Q.phellos and with Q.incana (= Q.x venulosa) |
Subspecies and varieties |
Pictures |