Oaks of the World

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  Quercus aculcingensis

Trel. 1922 Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 23: 185

Diagnosis here

Synonyms reticulata var. retifolia Liebm. 1869
reticulata var. crassifolia Oerst. in Liebm. 1869
Local names
Range Mexico (Vera Cruz) ; near 2200 m;
Growth habit usually less than 3 metres tall; may reach 5 m;
Leaves 4 (-10) cm x 2,5-3 (-8); elliptic; apex rounded or acute; base cordate or rounded; margin thickened, wavy, revolute, with some mucronate teeth near apex; adaxially rough, glabrescent; abaxially long, white, woolly tomentose; 8-10 (-13) vein pairs; petiole tomentose, short, 5 mm long, 2 mm thick;

Bark, twigs and

twig stout, 3 mm thick, slightly woolly, with prominent lenticels; bud ovoid, glabrous, brown, 2-3 mm in diameter;
Hardiness zone, habitat

-- A. Camus : n° 248;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, sub-section Leucomexicanae;
-- For some Authors (Zavala-Chavez, 2003) it is a variety of Q.greggii. For other ones (S. Valencia-A. 2017) it is a synonym of Q. greggii... For The Plant List 2013 it is an accepted name. Actually one can find some different features from Q. greggii which has a brown-yellow tomentum abaxially, 6-10 vein pairs, 2-3 mm thick buds, smaller leaves(3-6 x 2-4 cm)

Subspecies and