Oaks of the World

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  Quercus erioclada
Author A.Camus 1936
Synonyms braianensis A.Camus 1935
Local names
Range Central Vietnam, from 900 to 2000 m;
Growth habit 10-12 m ;
Leaves 7-11 x 2.2-2.4 cm; broadly lanceolate, pointed at both ends ; glabrous above, white tomentose beneath becoming glabrous; margin entire, or less often subdentate near apex; 17-20 pairs of secondary veins; petiole 1 cm long;
Flowers 4 short styles, large stigmas;
Fruits acorn  globose depressed, hairy, enclosed 1/2 by the cup; cup tomentose 1.6 cm in diameter, with broad, denticulare, pubescent rings;

Bark, twigs and

Hardiness zone, habitat hardy;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : n° 75 ;
-- Sub-genus Cerris, section Cyclobalanopsis;

Subspecies and