Key for Asian Golden Oaks (adapted from Zhou & Coombes 2001)

1a Mature leaves with golden or grey hairs beneath
1b Mature leaves glabrous, or with hairs at the base of midrib
2a Leaves with yellow hairs beneath
2b Leaves with grey hairs beneath
3a Hairs densely covering the secondary veins
Q. pannosa
3b Hairs not densely covering the secondary veins
4a Cup scales > 4 mm long, linear or lanceolate
Q. fimbriata
4b Cup scales < 4 mm long, lanceolate
5a Cup with bell-shaped rim, wall 2 mm thick
Q. guyavifolia
5b Cup not with bell-shaped rim, wall 1 mm thick
6a Acorn globose, diameter 1.8-2.5 cm , black when mature
Q. semecarpifolia
6b Acorn ovoid, diameter < 1.5 cm
7a Pistillate inflorescence 5-16 cm long
Q. longispica
7b Pistillate inflorescence < 5 cm long
Q. aquifolioides
8a Tree ; leaves elliptic elongate, densely hairy
Q. senescens
8b Shrub ; leaves elliptic to obovate, with scattered hairs
Q. monimotricha
9a Leaves 6-10 cm long, secondary veins not sunken above
9b Leaves < 6 cm long, secondary veins sunken above
10a Leaves with some scattered hairs beneath
Q. pseudosemecarpifolia
10b Leaves usually glabrous on both sides
Q. rehderiana
11a Leaves densely hairy at base of midrib beneath
Q. spinosa
11b Leaves without hairs at base of midrib beneath
Q. gilliana